School and Family Travel in Guatemala 2019
“Everywhere you looked, there were happy kids teaching each other games and playing together.” New Educational Service Trips a Success in Guatemala ViviendasLeón has welcomed our first groups to the Mayan highlands of Guatemala! Travelers embarked on a service-learning experience that introduced them to local history and culture while participating in our service program. Our…
Cambiando la Vida de las Mujeres
La capacitación en capacidad humana cambia la vida de las mujeres en Nicaragua Margarita RivasLa cultura tradicional de Nicaragua, como otros países latinoamericanos, se centra en la iglesia y la familia y ha sido moldeada por la experiencia del colonialismo y las tradiciones culturales y religiosas europeas. Una herencia de esto son las limitaciones sociales…
Launching Careers through Scholarships
León, Nicaragua Norlan Hernandez Norlan Ramón Hernández Arévalo was born in the rural community of Troilo into a family with two brothers. When he was five years old, his family moved to the city of León for a work opportunity for his father. Financial issues forced the family to return to Troilo, where they had…
Investing in Rural Families
“Without ViviendasLeón’s help, we would not have overcome the barriers of poverty.” Investing in rural families Around the world, millions of rural families rely on farming for their livelihoods. While these families contribute around 70% of global food needs, the majority are mired in extreme poverty, and their livelihoods are threatened by climate change, economic…
SF Friends School 2019
San Francisco Friends School April 6-12, 2019 After 8 years of partnership between ViviendasLeón and the San Francisco Friends School, we have established a new travel program to the Mayan highlands region of Lake Atitlán, Guatemala. Our Global Education Program continues to incorporate major themes of global citizenship, cultural immersion, community building, and personal agency…
Rural Kitchen Program
Santa Maria Utatlán, Guatemala In Guatemala today, social exclusion of indigenous minorities persists (43% of the population), chronic malnourishment in the young, poverty rates and infant mortality are some of the highest in all of Latin America. Basic healthcare, sanitation, nutrition and access to clean water are some of the greatest challenges that most rural…