Newsletter August 2023

This month in our Newsletter - The effects of Hurrican Iota and expected El Niño effects on the climate will arrive in September 2023.  Also an interview with Alexandra Galeano, our next generation farmer.
Hurricane Lota

“El Niño” Predicted to arrive in September 2023

According to the UN Meteorological Organization WMO, there is an 80 percent probability that the El Niño effect will begin by September 2023.  Agriculture being one of the main sectors of the economy, will be deeply affected. Engaging almost 70 percent of the population and contributing to 20 percent of the country’s GDP,  agriculture is central to the rural and economic survival of Central America. READ MORE>>


Next generation of women farmers in Nicaragua

My name is Alexandra Galeano and I live in the community of Troilo, Sutiava.  I am 19 years old and married with a one-year-old girl. Being a homemaker doesn’t prevent me from continuing my education. I am currently in the 10th grade of secondary school at the Public College Salomon de la Selva in the city of León. READ MORE>>