
Scholarships are a Part of the Solution to Poverty


León, Nicaragua Kelvin Antonio Montiel Muñoz While primary schooling in Nicaragua is free and compulsory through high school, many students in rural areas have limited access to schools, and students from impoverished families often start working at a young age to help support their family. To bridge this gap, ViviendasLeón provides scholarships to students in

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Invertir en Familias Rurales


Invertir en familias rurales En todo el mundo, millones de familias rurales dependen de la agricultura para su subsistencia. Si bien estas familias contribuyen con alrededor del 70% de las necesidades mundiales de alimentos, la mayoría está sumida en la pobreza extrema y sus medios de vida están amenazados por el cambio climático, las dificultades

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Changing Women’s Lives


Margarita Rivas is 40 years old and has lived with her family in the Aristides-Sanchez neighborhood of Goyena for 19 years. She participated in HCT, where she attended therapeutic workshops, learned new skills and was given leadership opportunities. She began to value herself as a person, and to face social obstacles head-on.

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