
International Indigenous Women’s Day 2023


ViviendasLeón has been working since March with 23 indigenous women from the Los Planes community in Santa Lucía Utatlán, Guatemala.  The Mayan communities of Central America live with multiple challenges including lack of food security, unemployment, and access to education. Additionally, indigenous women have faced violence and discrimination. Our training program works to restore women’s self-esteem, personal empowerment, agency, social development, and technical skills to take on the challenges of the multiple needs they have lived with for generations.

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“El Niño” predicted to arrive in September 2023


According to the UN Meteorological Organization WMO, there is an 80 percent probability that the El Niño effect will begin by September 2023.  Agriculture being one of the main sectors of the economy, will be deeply affected. Engaging almost 70 percent of the population and contributing to 20 percent of the country’s GDP,  agriculture is central to the rural and economic survival of Central America.

“El Niño” predicted to arrive in September 2023 Read more

Teaching for reproductive rights in Los Planes


The health system in Guatemala is uneven and in several health centers there are no medicines, doctors or the necessary supplies to care for the community.  When training for reproductive health, several centers will not participate. They have contraceptive methods, condoms, even safety kits available for women who have been sexually abused, but fail to disseminate basic information with women’s groups in communities.

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