Before the ViviendasLeón program, Fabiola was constrained by social expectations of women: “When I started to participate in the HCT training process, I was a very shy woman with self-esteem problems. In our country Nicaragua, women have had few opportunities to work outside the home.”
“My name is Fabiola Chavarría Meza; I am 28 years old, I come from the Troilo community. I am a participant in the (HCT) program. I am grateful for the opportunity that I am being given in this program. They have taught us a lot: a psychologist has come to give us talks, a gynecologist visited us who talked to us about sex education, since sexuality in this community is a taboo topic.They have given us talks on abuse, violence against women and conflict resolution. I feel that this HCT program is a complete program, because it not only involves farming, but is also a program to help us in our daily lives.”
Fabiola is now an active farmer and independent income earner. She is able to financially support her children to attend school full time, and provide a much more balanced and nutritious diet for her family with the income from marketing her produce.
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